Fitting Self Care Into A Busy Life
Season 1, Episode 6
In this episode, Jill and Linda discuss the challenges of balancing self-care with the demands of motherhood and work. They share personal highs and lows, such as managing household chaos and finding joy in podcast conversations. Creative solutions like ABC date nights and spontaneous self-care practices are explored. They emphasize the importance of recognizing small self-care moments and avoiding guilt over unmet self-care expectations. The episode wraps up with practical advice on fitting self-care into a busy schedule and the therapeutic benefits of activities like walks and spontaneous playtime with kids.
- Date Night Adventures
- Balancing Work and Family
- Self-Care Strategies
- Reflecting on Self-Care
- Managing Good and Bad Days
For a simple way to start with self-care, send them an email or connect with Jill on socials @mamaoutspoken and and Linda @hellolindabonney or
Until next week – we hope you can unstuck your muck!